Weather for the week
Feels like
Precip. chance:
UV Index:
The bar chart shows the precipitation sum from the previous 6-hour period.
Updated at 11/9 4:26 AM 04:26
Current conditions
3 day forecast
Weather today and tomorrow
Morning fog, afternoon overcast, evening and night light rain. Morning temperature of 10 °C, afternoon 15°, evening 14° and night 14°. Morning temperature of 51 degrees, afternoon 60°, evening 58° and night 58°. Total rain today 2.16 mm. 0.09 in.
Showers, night partly cloudy. Morning temperature of 15 °C, afternoon 18°, evening 16° and night 15°. Morning temperature of 60 degrees, afternoon 65°, evening 61° and night 60°. Total rain tomorrow 7.73 mm. 0.3 in.
+29.6° 85°
+27° 81°
+26.1° 79°
+26° 79°